Message to Parents
- Your child is a precious treasure that you have graciously received from God. Education of the child is the primary obligation of responsible parenthood. Thus, we strongly recommend that every parent try to find ample time, irrespective of everyday heavy schedule, to take care of the child.
- Enable your child to learn the lessons of love, kindness, faith, truth, charity, and respect etc. from the home itself. Do not expect that your child will learn these lessons from others. The school authorities and teachers can extend only a helping hand in order to fulfill your obligations. Maximum co-operation and support of parents is required and thus desired to realize all that is best in the child. Let us all co-operate with each other in this noble endeavour.
- The parents should pay only appropriate attention to the complaints of the children, and try to inculcate respect for elders, parents, teachers and authorities maintaining discipline and honesty.
- Always try to promote the value of charity in your child, for charity begins at home. Do not hesitate take and give charitable helps from Sangli Mission Society.
- Avoid criticizing teachers or school authorities in the presence of your child as it can create a lose attitude towards the discipline and systems of the school now, and to yourself and to the public system at later stage. Handle the conflicting situations with utmost care and maturity. However, if there are genuine and legitimate complaints, discuss the matter with the Principal during the office hours by prior appointment.
- The parents or guardians are not allowed to enter the class room or the adjacent verandas during the school hours. Neither they shall meet the students nor interview the teachers during school hours without prior permission from the Principal.
- The person who is authorized to take the child back home should be introduced to the school authorities by the parents / guardians. Parents are strongly requested not to take the child back home before the scheduled time.
- Change of address or phone numbers shall be immediately notified to the school office.
- Any matter related to school, including telephone calls will be attended only during school hours.