From Our Principal
Dear Parents, Teachers and Students,
Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old ,he will not depart from it (HOLY BIBLE Proverb:22-6 ) As I write from my desk, I am rethinking of the role we are playing as teachers, my thoughts remind me that our duty is not merely to impart knowledge to make a child fit to procure degrees and diplomas to earn a livelihood but it is also to train up a child in the way he should go. Thus our role has to be a balanced combination of imparting knowledge, wisdom and moral values.
It is a matter of great pride that parents are entrusting their child in our hands , we look upon them as clay which has to be moulded in to good shape. And I honestly admit that I find this responsibility to be extremely challenging . May our good lord guide and bless each nurturer of our school to render quality schooling and enable the students to shine as a torch of truth , knowledge, peace and inspirations for others. May our students give a testimony that their teachers have played a major role in making their lives.
The HOLY BIBLE says "Seek and you will find".( Mathew :Chapter 7, Verse 8).Therefore, all those who sought with sincere heart and desire found Bishop Conrad Sr. Sec. School fulfilling their aspirations and they are now occupying and enjoying very high positions in the society . Besides the academic excellence , our school has been alert to inculcate in our students discipline, moral values, character building and personality development. I also appreciate the staff teaching and non teaching for their effort to provide quality education to our students. At this juncture my sincere thanks to all those who have contributed for creating and launching of our school`s website.
Thanking you
Your affectionate Principal,
Rev. Fr. Royal Anthony